
To qualify for the Anti-Fraud Education Partnership, you must create a 3-credit hour undergraduate or graduate level course on fraud examination or a related subject at your 4-year college or university. If your institution currently has a fraud examination course, you may qualify to join if program criteria is met. Community colleges should inquire by emailing [email protected]

Once approved, you will receive access to 11 online videos and accompanying PDF resources, case studies, the Principles of Fraud Examination syllabus, logo and more.  

Video resources include:

Beyond the Numbers: Professional Interviewing Techniques

Conducting Internal Investigations

Consumer Fraud

Cooking the Books: What Every Accountant Should Know about Fraud
Corporate Con: Internal Fraud and the Auditor  
Finding the Truth: Effective Techniques for Interview and Communication

How to Detect and Prevent Financial Statement Fraud  

Inside the Fraudster's Mind
Making Crime Pay: How to Locate Hidden Assets
Other People's Money: The Basics of Asset Misappropriation  
The Fraud Trial 

Learn More about the Anti-Fraud Education Partnership